MBA Dissertation Topics In Accounting And Finance

Dissertations are tough work. It involves hours of research and loads of drafting before you arrive at something you like. Dissertations require you to have an in depth knowledge of what you are writing as well as the skill to assimilate all the information. Dissertations are divided into several chapters and each chapter contains one argument. It is basically like an elaborate essay. Deciding a topic is really easy because of the parameters you must keep in mind. It should be current; it should be preferably original and something which is of use in the discipline. You can’t write on anything that you feel like. A lot of consideration goes into the selection of a topic.

Having to do a dissertation is bad enough, and the burden of a topic on top of that will make you miserable even before you start. Here are a few topics on finance and a counting if you are a student of MBA and willing to write on this subject.

  1. An extensive study of the importance of the investment that is done by individuals in a particular country. The effects of such investment to energize the whole economy of the particular country.
  2. An analysis of the various factors that can motivate a particular individual, firm or country to invest in something.
  3. An analytical study of the different side effects that are caused by the recession which happens on a global level. How does this affect the global market?
  4. Study the current situation of credit crisis that has become an issue in the financial market. Discuss the consequences if such a situation persists.
  5. Discuss how the corporate sector of a country is linked and dependant on the capital structure of a country. Analyze any particular country to support your thesis.
  6. Analyze the concept of the theory of quantitative easiness that has been formulated by the Bank of England.
  7. Cross border investment is no more something in the pipeline, cross border investment is a reality and is being done by all countries. Study the various side effects that generate as a result of such investment. What are the laws that have been charted to keep the market stable?
  8. Analyze the risks that exist in the shipping industries in terms of the financial management in the industry.

One the topic has been successfully chosen what remains is to draw a frame and then flesh out your thesis paper. While doing so one should constantly keep using facts and data to support their arguments.
